Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Body, why don't you love me?

So, I got sick. It was bound to happen. Two days ago I was sitting in a fabric store in the middle of the city when I started feeling sick. It came on suddenly, one moment I was sitting there, feeling fine. and the next moment I was running to the bathroom to vomit (sorry for being so explicit, but one has to be here. bowel functions are not hidden. Today on the bus, the man sitting next to me hocked a lougie, and then reached into his pocket to take out a container FILLED TO THE BRIM with lougies and simply added to his collection. just picture this. yum.)

back to my sick story. basically, i blacked out and went to CIWEC to be cared for by my favorite doctor of all time, Doctor David. Two years ago, Doctor David told me that because I pet puppies in Tibet, I had at least ten years to worry about contracting rabies. This time, he told me that if my illness was caused by a kidney stone, I was likely to die. Two years ago, I almost cried. This time, I laughed.

I had a 102 fever and was quite sick throughout the night. I rested all day yesterday and am feeling much better today. I think it was the combination of some bacterial infection and dehydration. The Kathmandu Valley is extremely hot right now, and the pollution is absurd. I've been walking around a lot because I've been lost a lot.

Anyhow, this illness is one big lesson. BE MORE CAREFUL. My housemate Emily is extremely careful about using the water and what she puts in her mouth. I, on the other hand, think that if I just build up my resistance against all these little scary bacterias and parasites, I'll become immune and never get sick. I'm not quite sure if my theory is coming into fruition. So... I'll stop brushing my teeth with the faucet water (maybe), and I'll be more careful about the food I get on the street, and I'll make sure to drink lots of water throughout the day. But really only because I don't want to see Doctor David again, and for him to tell me how else I'm going to die.

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