Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Warm Welcome Back

After my semi-successful attempt last summer at a travel blog (, I am deciding to have a go at it again! Hopefully with more frequent updates, a stream of consciousness or two, juicy events and photos (if I can get my act together)! I arrived here the evening of Friday, September 5th and today will be my fourth full day. I am living in Patan, which is one of the Kathmandu Valley's four cities. I am sitting in my kitchen right now, the monsoon rain is drizzingly slightly and without even looking outside I know I am in the hub of the city. Behind me, I hear someone is using some sort of hammer. They may be fixing something in their home, but most likely they are an artisan. To my right side a new house is being built. To the north east, two little kitty cats are meowing and licking each other and below, music is playing. My landlords own a recording studio and their eldest son is in a folk instrumental ensemble called Kutumba. They are extremely talented musicians and happen to practice on the ground floor. I am lucky to be surrounded by such sounds!


  1. Katie -- I'm so glad that Meha fwded me the link to your blog. And it's nice to know that you are happily back in Nepal. Enjoy!

  2. OMAR!!!!

    haha I'm happy nepal has kitties.

    we miss you katie, and I hope nepal will continue to treat you graciously :D


  3. My Moe! It sounds amazing. I miss you so much already and I promise I will come to visit you as long as you come visit me in SD. I hope your experience is as incredible if not more so than the last time. I promise I will email you soon with all the details once I get my own act together. (haha) I cant wait to follow you on your blog.

    xo, Joe

    Ps- we had to tell someone that we admired yesterday for my Indian Ed class and I said you. Love you ktp

  4. Katie,
    I hope all is well. Learning that you are making moves and following your heart inspires me.
